2025 Dr. Ken Stewart Memorial Scholarship in Aquatic Biology and Conservation ($5,000)

Eligibility: Graduate Students currently in a Master’s or Doctoral programme whose approved research programme is in the area of freshwater Aquatic Science, including Limnology, Fishery Biology, Ichthyology, Aquatic Resource Management, Aquatic Ecology, or Aquaculture. Preference will be given to research which is relevant to Fish Futures’ objectives: Preservation, protection and enhancement of fish stocks and aquatic habitats, and public education about the value and need for conservation of aquatic resources and habitats. The research does not need to be conducted in Manitoba, but should be relevant to Manitoba’s fisheries resources. A student may receive this award only once.

Deadline: April 1, 2025

For more information or to request an application form, please contact Doug Watkinson at [email protected] 

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